Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Mrs Cooking Teacher...

Yeah, so, sorry for not posting this weekend. Was at my dad's, busy doing nothing. :D Anyhoo yesterday I was bored so read the cookbook that was on the table (Yes I know I'm super cool) and found a meatballs and spagbowl recipe which looks so yummy! So I decided to make it, I'm going to Tescos for the ingredients soon then will make custard lollies and freeze them and then start on the spagbowl and dessert. :D Now you should know that I'm not so good at cooking. At baking I'm amazing even though I say so myself :) but cooking... Well I will tell you the story of my Food Tech teacher and when she said I couldn't cook xD (I call her Mrs Cooking Teacher). I was making a pizza at school one time and Mrs Cooking Teacher came up to me and said, "Do you not cook much at home then?" :O I know! You must be flabberghasted! But anyway I'm gonna prove her wrong. :D Oh and my younger sister told me that when she was baking flapjack at school once that she poured the sugar in before the butter melted completely and Mrs Cooking Teacher said, "What are you doing?"
Sister said, "This is how me and my sister make it."
Mrs CK (Cooking Teacher), "Is your sister Crazy Girl (not my actual name) by any chance?"
I laughed so much I cried when I heard this. xD But for her information the way I make flapjack it turns out really delicious and I can make pasta and beans on toast and scrambled eggs and everything! :D She doesn't even know what I'm talking about, you know the saying, 'If you can't do (i.e. cook), teach.' :)


Thursday, 26 August 2010

Why Can't All Fish Be Like Nemo?

But no they have to be creepy and constantly scare me half to death! I almost screamed when I looked at the goldfish's eye and it looked so empty and evil! And I came into the dark room yesterday and they splashed so I almost ran in the opposite direction! They're not even my fish they're my sister's. And they stink...
Did you know that there's 30 calories in a single Percy Pig?! Well that's my diet ruined... :) Ah I'll just do some extra kickboxing later.
I keep thinking I have a crush on someone but then I don't hang out with him much so it just goes away. Crap, I just looked at the fish tank again and the goldfish's eye look hollow yet again! It's like an evil monster-fish or something... I'm going to have nightmares tonight. :S
Argh please someone follow my blog and comment, I'm dying of boredom already. It's nearly my birthday! :D 2 weeks to go!


Wednesday, 25 August 2010

It's Heaven On Earth! Posted Through My Letterbox...

I know I've already posted today but there has been a fantastic development. Months ago I pre-ordered the final book in the Hunger Games Trilogy - Mockingjay. It has arrived! If you have not read the Hunger Games then read them NOW! But now because I finished the first two months ago I have to read them again :) before I can read Mockingjay :(.
Just thought I'd let you know :D.


I Just Feel Stupid When I'm Dancing, Like A Psychopathic Fool.

You have to see this:
It's hilarious! I fall about laughing everytime I watch it and I've watched it atleast 50 times now!
But anyway the guy from my primary school replied except he's not the guy from my primary school. He said he hadn't gone to the same school as me... But I'm sure I recognise him! The only change is his height! And I can't really tell how tall he is from his picture anyway so... But I'm sure it's him... But he says it's not... Nevermind. T'is really funny on the uglydance thing when there's 5 dancers at once!
Note: I am NOT saying Jedward is ugly they are the fittest thing on earth. Almost. T'is just funny watching him dance. (I can't tell the difference between John and Edward so I'm just gonna call the one dance Jedward :D)

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

I Sent Him a Message!

Yeah so you know that guy I went to primary school with? I messaged him, just asking if he went to the same primary school that I did. I hope I sounded all cool and mature :D. He hasn't replied yet, I'll tell you when he has though...
Anyhoo, there was this magazine on the table and it said on the cover '8 Ways to Lose Weight' or something like that. So naturally I flicked through to that page. It said one way was to massage your belly every morning starting at the left hip, going to the right hip, then the right rib, the left rib and finally going back down to the left hip and repeating five more times. Apparently it's supposed to lead to weight loss and inch loss around your stomach. I've been trying to do that for a few days now. Doesn't seem to have made a difference yet so I'm gonna keep trying :). But then again I did ruin my diet today by having a big lunch and loads of toast after dinner :D I do love toast... Yummm... Anyway I'll finish with those beautiful thoughts of buttered toast... Jeez I sound like a right fatty now :D but I gotta go my sister's on the verge of stabbing me with a pencil (I have about 20 pencils under my bed, my younger sister gave them to me and I put them under my bed (don't ask) and just never moved them :D).


Warning! Once you enter my crazy world there's no turning back!

Yeah so I'm Crazygirl. It pretty much tells you all you need to know about me from the name. :)
So I went to three different primary schools and now I'm at a different high school. I'm going into year 9 in September :( that means SATs and I really hate exams... Well everyone does don't they? But atleast September means it's my birthday soon :D and I'm really looking forward to my party!
Ok that makes me sound about six but it'll be fun! I'm having a spa party and my mum said if it's cheap enough we may be able to hire a hot tub! I love hot tubs! Granted, I've only ever been in one hot tub (I went on holiday to a cabin in Wales with my sisters and dad and there was a hot tub there!) but it's kind of addictive... :)
So I was supposed to be sorting out books the other day - putting them in piles to be gotten rid of and to be kept (we're sorting out the whole house and moving rooms but I don't get my room until my sister moves to University) - and I found an old diary of my when I was probably in year 2 or 3 or something. As with all my diaries I'd put a couple of sentences a day for about a week then given up so I was just reading through it when I read something that I have no idea if it's true or not!
I'll change the name so as not to embarass myself :) :
Max is kind of my ex-boyfriend.
But then it just stops! Damn younger me! Why wouldn't I think of explaining?! I'd thought I'd just liked him and my sisters and mum had always teased me about that when I was younger but ex-boyfriend?! What?! And what did I mean by kind of? How can someone kind of be your ex? So I came up with a plan. I'd facebook him hoping he has facebook and ask him. It's never that embarassing talking over a computer and he'd moved to another country in year 3 anyway so I'd probably never see him again. But I couldn't remember his last name so I asked an old school friend and typed it into facebook. Why do so many people in the world have to have the same name? But I think I recognise the profile picture of one of them. He's much shorter than I remember... I still haven't spoken to him yet though... I'll tell you when I do!
