Wednesday, 25 August 2010

I Just Feel Stupid When I'm Dancing, Like A Psychopathic Fool.

You have to see this:
It's hilarious! I fall about laughing everytime I watch it and I've watched it atleast 50 times now!
But anyway the guy from my primary school replied except he's not the guy from my primary school. He said he hadn't gone to the same school as me... But I'm sure I recognise him! The only change is his height! And I can't really tell how tall he is from his picture anyway so... But I'm sure it's him... But he says it's not... Nevermind. T'is really funny on the uglydance thing when there's 5 dancers at once!
Note: I am NOT saying Jedward is ugly they are the fittest thing on earth. Almost. T'is just funny watching him dance. (I can't tell the difference between John and Edward so I'm just gonna call the one dance Jedward :D)


  1. so it wasn't the guy? too bad.

    i did the same thing once - a long time ago when friendster was the social networking site that everyone used. i looked up a boy that i had a crush on when i was 17 and worked at this book store. he was 22 at the time, so it was unreasonable then. but when i found him later i was 23 and he was 28 and it was crazy between us for like, a minute, then ultimately it didn't end up working out, which was definitely for the best.

  2. Aww but it could've been like the perfect love story if it had worked out! :D

  3. yeah, but it's because it didn't work out that i got the perfect love story.

  4. well, when i finally ended that craziness, i ended up meeting a guy a few weeks later, and it turned out to be a far better love story (and still is, 6 years later).
